The Collective Impact Community Grants Program

The Collective Impact Community Grants Program supports sustainable programs and partnerships with non- profit organisations who deliver outcomes that enhance economic, social and health/wellbeing in the communities we operate in.

We understand that the application process requires a significant in investment in time. Before commencing the application process please ensure you meet the following main criteria (and also check the full eligibility criteria in the drop down menu below).

  • Your organisation is a BDCU Member

  • You are an active Community Bank BDCU Customer (evidenced by six months of Community Bank BDCU statements)

  • You can provide evidence of minimum of 40% co-funding (BDCU Maximum 60% of project costs)

  • Your application does not exceed the maximum grant amount of $10,000

Organisations that have received funding in the prior round of funding will not be eligible to reapply.

Applications that do not meet the full eligibility criteria will not be assessed by the Committee.

The BDCU The Collective Impact Community Grant Program was established in 2021 to replace the existing BDCU My Community Program.

Since it's inception in late 2021 the BDCU Community Grant program has distributed over $150,000 to projects across the Highlands and Tablelands.

The program seeks to support high impact projects with a long term and enduring community benefit in our regions and with a focus on Health, Education and Social outcomes.

The total amount of the grants available for allocation for each round is $25,000. The allocation may also be increased with additional funding at the discretion of BDCU Limited. Maximum Grant of $10,000 per application.

  • The seventh round of grant applications are invited from 1 to 31 October 2024.

  • Applications will be assessed in November 2024.  

  • Allocations will be announced in November or December.

Applicant organisations must be a BDCU Member and have active accounts with Community Bank BDCU.

Projects must be a minimum 40% co-funded. BDCU provides a maximum of 60% of project costs.

About BDCU
Our Vision

Our Vision is to be the driver for economic and social growth. We’ll achieve this by fostering greater wellbeing and prosperity in the community and collectively delivering more social impact.

BDCU - The Collective Impact seeks to support programs and partnerships with non-profit organisations who deliver projects that enhance economic, social, health and wellbeing outcomes in the communities we operate in. We’re seeking organisations best placed to make a positive impact in the priority areas outlined above – with planned, outcome-focused projects that benefit the community in a meaningful and sustainable way.

You can find out more about BDCU's vision and values here. 

Upon completion please return your application form to (Please note you must download the form first and save (inc your organisation name when resaving) to your local computer. Simply click on the download icon in the top right. This is not an online form to complete and submit in the website and needs to be completed on your own computer):

  • Email:

  • Mail or in person: BDCU Bowral – 411 Bong Bong Street Bowral NSW 2576

The grant program will target three current priorities within eligible local government areas:


  • Support project based grants that improve health and wellbeing in the regions we operate.

  • Support innovative or critical projects that improve the quality of healthcare for the aged.

  • Support projects that improve mental health in our region.


  • Support education that optimises the educational potential of youth in the regions we operate.

  • Provide opportunities for discovery and inspiration for youth in the regions we operate.

  • Support projects that provide educational outcomes and/or enhance employability.


  • Support projects that improve the lives of people in our communities.

  • Support social and affordable housing initiatives.

  • Support the provision of food security.

BDCU seeks to support programs and partnerships with BDCU Member non- profit organisations who deliver projects that enhance economic, social and health/wellbeing outcomes in the communities we operate in. We’re seeking organisations best placed to make a positive impact in the priority areas outlined above – with planned, outcome-focused projects that benefit the community in a meaningful and sustainable way.

BDCU Member Organisations will be favourably assessed if they can demonstrate:

  • A clear vision for their organisation and project

  • A deep understanding of how to achieve the outcome for which they’re seeking funding

  • A clearly defined project plan

  • A proven track record of delivery and achievement, and

  • Passionate and capable leaders.

  • How the project will have a long term and enduring community benefit

Grant funding applications and assessment will take place biannually:

  • The sixth round of grant applications are invited from 1 to 31 May 2024.

  • Applications will be assessed in June or July 2024.  

  • Allocations will be announced in June or July 2024..  

Assessment Criteria:

In assessing new grants, the following factors will be looked upon favourably:


  • Alignment–Is the project aligned with BDCU’s Vision and Purpose?

  • Need –Does the project fulfil or enhance a defined need in the community? What metrics will demonstrate this success?

  • Social Impact – What is the broader community benefit?


  • Growth potential – Does the project have the capacity to grow and build the growth of the applicant to achieve greater outcomes?

  • Feasible – Is the project feasible? What are the key milestones needed to achieve success?

  • Sustainable – Is the project sustainable? Has a roadmap been designed to achieve stated goals?

  • Cost effective – Is the project cost effective?


  • Influence - Is the project co-funded by partners? Is the grant applicant prepared to share learnings from the project that may benefit other organisations in the region?


Is the applicant’s organisation well managed with a strategic plan and terms of reference?

  • Due to the significant value of the grants, the greater the grant requested, the greater the level of detail required.

  • Organisations requesting a grant must complete the application form and provide all stipulated supporting documentation.

  • Grants must comply with the guidelines as detailed on the application form and eligibility criteria.

  • The application must be authorised by a senior office holder of the organisation.

  • Partnerships are encouraged, however in the case of partnership one eligible organisation is required to be the lead applicant.

  • Only one grant application will be accepted for an organisation in the funding round.

  • Applicants who have received funding in the previous round of funding will not be eligible to apply.

  • Applicant organisations must be a BDCU Member and have active accounts with Community Bank BDCU.

Based in the level and complexity of the project where appropiate supporting documentation will be required. 

  • Complete application form

  • Applicants must be BDCU members and have active accounts with Community Bank BDCU.

  • Must include copies of six months of Community Bank BDCU bank statements (to demonstrate active patronage of Community Bank BDCU).

  • ABN/ACNC or evidence of the organisation’s legal status.

    • Not required for government agencies such as schools, RFS etc

  • Detailed project plan.

  • Quotations

    • 2 per item listed in the application

    • BDCU supports local and applications that indicate use of local trades or suppliers will be viewed favourably, unless the service is not available locally.

  • DAs for applications involving capital works.

  • Evidence of co-funding.

    • In-kind support, financial, or volunteering.

    • Minimum 40% co-funded.

  • Project approval for applications on land not owned by the organisation.

  • Current financial statements.

  • Letters of support – three letters of support from organisations or community benefiting from the application.

  • Schools – P&C applications must be endorsed by the Principal.

  • Any additional relevant detail – photos, plans etc – the organisation wishes to provide in support of the application.

Eligibility assessment – all applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt. All applications will be assessed for eligibility. Those who do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be assessed by the committee. Where possible the BDCU team will contact uneligible organisations prior to the grant assessment to request further information.

Assessment – applications will be assessed by the BDCU Community Grant Committee. All applicants will be notified of the outcome in person or in writing. BDCU reserves the right to inform the community via the media of the successful applicants of the program.

Funds will be paid into the successful applicant organisations Community Bank BDCU account.

All successful applicants must agree to a regular reporting program in a format acceptable to both parties. This will include the performance measures to be used to determine the success of the project and the publication of the results of the project. Reports, or a summary of an outcomes report, may also be included in BDCU’s Annual Review, and be made available through the BDCU’s website.

The BDCU Community Grants Committee is comprised of the following representatives.

This may vary at the discretion of BDCU or subject to declarations of interest.

  • A BDCU board director

  • A BDCU executive representative

  • 2 x BDCU Members

  • A community representative

Members are by invitation only.  Where a conflict of interest is identified, that member will stand aside from the assessment criteria. Final sign off by the CEO.

If successful applications do not reach the amount in the grant pool the remaining monies will be added to the pool of allocations available for the next round of funding.

Applicant organisations must be a BDCU Member. 

Applicant organisations must be an active Community Bank BDCU customer.

Eligible projects need to have targeted impact in the LGAs listed below: 

  • Goulburn Mulwaree Council

  • Wingecarribee Shire Council

  • Wollondilly Shire Council

  • Yass Valley Shire Council

  • Upper Lachlan Council

Eligible organisations:

  • Community health services

  • Registered charities

  • Sporting and recreation groups

  • Not For Profit health and wellbeing organisations

  • Schools and education providers.

Ineligible organisations and projects:

  • Individuals

  • For profit organisations

  • Services and operations normally the responsibility of government bodies

  • Retrospective requests for projects already completed

  • Applications for the purpose of fundraising for a secondary beneficiary

  • Applications from political organisations

  • Running costs of an organisation such as wages, advertising, consulting fees, staff work related expenses etc

  • Applications incongruent with the core values of BDCU Ltd

  • Applications received after the funding round has closed

  • Applicants who have received funding in the previous round of funding

  • Organisations that do not meet the eligibility criteria listed.

Funds are allocated at the discretion of BDCU Limited ACN 087 649 787.

Funds will be paid into the successful applicant organisations Community Bank BDCU account.

Targeted impact and eligibility criteria are subject to change at any time.

No correspondence regarding the outcomes of the BDCU Community Grants Committee will be entered into with unsuccessful applicants.

BDCU reserves the right to change the format of the program at any time.